Free Software Carpentry workshop in January!

Do you want to use computational techniques in your research? Want to learn the basics of programming in a supportive, inclusive, and hands-on environment? Want to not spend a dollar? On January 26 and 2007, the Digital Curation Institute in collaboration with Software Carpentry will host a free two-day workshop that will teach basic computing […]

Web Archiving: Past, Present and Future

or, Yet another Web Archiving Bibliography We’ve started working with Ian Milligan this Fall as part of the Marshall McLuhan Centenary Fellowship in Digital Sustainability, with research exploring the differences between professionally-curated and crowd-sourced web archives collections. And, as the Internet Archive celebrates 20 years of web archiving this past week (and released some fun and exciting new tools – […]

code4lib Web Scraping Workshops

The DCI is pleased to be hosting two workshops by code4lib Toronto on Web Scraping. Web Scraping Part I: In-Browser Scraping and Working with X-Path This part one on Thursday November 3, is an introduction to the concepts, using browser extensions to quickly get started on scraping. No programming experience is required. What you’ll learn: What is […]

New Systems Design Studio is Here

Our new lab is here! Equipped with flexible stations for designing, developing, and meeting, the space is intended to serve as a base for the dynamic work of DCI members. We’re calling it the Systems Design Studio. The lab is supported by infrastructure funding from the Canadian Foundation for Innovation and the Ontario Ministry of Research through […]

Inaugural Marshall McLuhan Centenary Fellowship in Digital Sustainability awarded to Prof. Ian Milligan

We are delighted to share the news that the inaugural Marshall McLuhan Centenary Fellowship in Digital Sustainability will be awarded to Prof. Ian Milligan, assistant professor of digital and Canadian history at the University of Waterloo. Between July 2016 and June 2017, Prof. Milligan will be collaborating with researchers at the DCI, visiting the DCI and the iSchool […]

Second article wins Emerald Literati Network Highly Commended award

One of our articles just received a Highly Commended Award from the Emerald Literati Network: Christoph Becker, Luis Faria, Kresimir Duretec (2015). Scalable decision support for digital preservation: an assessment, OCLC Systems & Services: International digital library perspectives, Vol. 31 Iss: 1, pp.11 – 34 [link] [pdf] This follows last year’s “Highly Commended” award for the […]

Community Maps and Engagement: Lessons from designing a “Green Map”

Community Maps and Engagement: Lessons from designing a “Green Map” Dawn Walker Time and place: Semaphore Demo Room, Robarts first floor (1150), Tuesday, April 19, 9.30am With the increase in urban agriculture and environmental groups focused on addressing pressing issues they see in their communities, the opportunity exists to better understand what technical barriers individuals face […]

Call for Applications to a Fellowship in Digital Sustainability

Call for Applications:  The Marshall McLuhan Centenary Fellowship in Digital Sustainability at the Digital Curation Institute The DCI is calling for applications for a one-year funded Fellowship in the area of ‘digital sustainability’. Applications are due by April 20, 2016 (see below). Sustainability – the capacity to endure – has become a crucial concern of our data-intensive […]

Data Practices: Harnessing Cultural Heritage Data to Support Scholarly Practices

Join us for a talk and discussion with Prof. Unmil Karadkar at the Semaphore Demo Room at Robarts Library on March 17 , 4pm-5pm: Abstract In this talk, I will present two examples of projects that exemplify my research agenda, which synthesizes information-centered studies of scholarly work practices and user experience-centered studies for designing and evaluating software. […]