DCI Fellowship awarded to Victoria Palacin

We are delighted to announce that the DCI Fellowship for the year 2020-2021 has been awarded to Victoria Palacin! Please read on for a biography and an overview of the Fellowship project. Victoria Palacin (@vpalacin) is a computer scientist who researches human-computer interactions. Her work focuses on co-creating technologies and physical data experiences with and […]

CLOSED – Call for Applications: 2020-2021 Fellowship at the Digital Curation Institute

In response to the current pandemic and its impact on academic schedules, the deadline for applications is extended to 15 April 2020. The 3-month residency requirement will be reviewed and possibly amended in light of developments in the 2020-21 academic year.  The Digital Curation Institute (DCI) at the Faculty of Information at the University of […]

Dr Yunhyong Kim, 2019-20 DCI fellow

2019-20 DCI fellow: Dr Yunhyong Kim, University of Glasgow

We’re delighted to welcome Dr Yunhyong Kim, this year’s Digital Curation Institute fellow, in Toronto. A lecturer at the School of Humanities, University of Glasgow, Yuhnyong works across multiple topics related to information management and analysis, gravitating towards areas that bring together artificial intelligence, digital curation, and forensics in the arts and sciences. She has […]

Michael Carter - 3D point and virtual object

The life and death of archaeology: a DCI Conversation with Dr Michael Carter, Ryerson University

The life and death of archaeology: curating virtual objects and material culture in the digital age A DCI Conversation with Dr Michael Carter Ryerson University hosted by the Digital Curation Institute, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto, on Wednesday, 27 November, 4:30pm – 6pm Room BL728, Bissell Building, 140 St George St, Toronto The Digital […]

Spooling out in real-time: a DCI Conversation with Devorah Romanek, Maxwell Museum of Anthropology

Spooling out in real-time: the immediacy and implications of digital curation A DCI Conversation with Devorah Romanek Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, University of New Mexico hosted by the Digital Curation Institute, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto, on Friday, 18 October, 4pm -5:30pm Room BL728, Bissell Building, 140 St George St, Toronto Watch the event […]

Content Curation: a DCI Conversation with Virginia Poundstone, Mhz Curationist

Thursday, 19 September, 12 noon – 1:30 pm, Faculty of Information, room BL538, 140 St George St, Toronto DCI Conversations: Content Curation with Virginia Poundstone, founding Content Curation Director of MhZ Curationist in conversation with Costis Dallas Content curation on the Web is perhaps the most widely known form of adding value to cultural resources […]

Prof. David Wachsmuth: Data and the lack of data in the politics of the platform economy

Please join us for this timely talk and conversation at the Faculty of Information at the Bissell building in room BL528 on September 12 at 4pm! Abstract: How does data structure the political economy of Airbnb, Uber, and other leading “platform economy” firms? In this presentation, I answer this question through a spatial-big-data examination of short-term […]

Prof. Andrew Feenberg – Three Approaches to the Internet: Network, World, Individuation and Concretization

DCI Lecture, Feb 14 2019, 4pm Please join us for the next DCI Lecture on February 14 at the Bissell building, BL728 (7th floor), at 4pm. Light refreshments will be served.  Prof. Feenberg will speak for about an hour, followed by a moderated Q&A period. Andrew Feenberg is Canada Research Chair in Philosophy of Technology in […]

Call for Applications: Fellowship 2019-2020 at the Digital Curation Institute

The Digital Curation Institute (DCI) at the Faculty of Information at the University of Toronto is an interdisciplinary research unit led by Prof. Christoph Becker. It unites leading researchers in digital curation in a broad, inclusive perspective on the field, with the aim to provide a vibrant space of investigation, exchange and discussion (http://dci.ischool.utoronto.ca). The […]