The DCI welcomes collaboration across faculty boundaries and will welcome opportunities to work with faculty members of other units at the University on challenging questions related to digital curation. If you are a faculty, researcher or student at UofT and want to know more, have a proposal for an exciting project, or simply have thoughts you want to share, please contact to set up an informal meeting, or come to one of our DCI lectures.
We also continue to seek PhD students, see the Prospective Students page for details.
If you are a student, the following courses will be of particular interest.
INF2122H Digital Preservation and Curation examines the creation, curation, conservation, and preservation of digital materials in both the public and private sectors and enables students to develop an appreciation of the principles of management of digital information in the context of digital longevity. Students gain an understanding of the organizational, technical, social, and economic challenges encountered when enabling the long-term availability of digital materials.
INF2308H Special Topics in Information Studies: Preservation Planning builds on INF2122H, examines the decision space of preservation and curation and explores the levels of control and decision making that need to be addressed in digital preservation and curation.